
CONSALAD is a Global Music Distributor providing Accurate Music Distribution,
Payment and Music/Marketing Promotion

  • CONSALAD is a Global Music Distributor that distributes and promotes contents globally
  • Plan on establishing global standard artist ID and expanding the business into global market
  • Accurate Music Distribution & Payment Calculation
    • Distribute music to global platforms such as Amazon Music, Spotify, Tidal, etc.
    • Provide monitoring service for the registered music
    • Transparent calculation of payment to suppliers
  • Systematic Music Promotion & Marketing
    • Support artist content sales by requesting banner and playlist promotion to the music platforms
    • Help artists to make an appearance at famous YouTube channels and give them opportunities to be recognized
  • Plan Successful New businesses
    • Plan new business models to get to the next level Establish global standard artist ID and protect artists’ rights
    • Expanding business to the music platform by producing YouTube videos
    • Expand business into Southeast Asian countries including Vietnam and China – Looking for ways strategically to outsource music registration tasks